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Tips to Ensure a Long-lasting Carpet
Carpet is an Investment
Undoubtedly, having a carpet is an investment that should last for many years to come. And carpets must stand a busy lifestyle that a home requires. A house is a space where kids, pets, guests, and the family are stepping on flooring surfaces. And carpets are like a buffer between the floor and the traffic above them.
Carpet Quality
First, quality is a determinant when you are choosing the right carpet. In this sense, we must consider a factor like density by bending the carpet sample backward. Therefore, it is important to see the backing to check the carpet quality. And how to check the density? The more backing you see, the less dense and durable the carpet. And a low-density carpet will crush fast because it is a lower-quality product.
On the other hand, not all is about natural fibers. Indeed, over ninety percent of current carpets are made up of synthetic fibers (nylon, polypropylene, or polyester). And almost 75% of carpet today is made of nylon and, compared to the other synthetic materials, it performs the best overall. It is because nylon is an excellent choice to reach appearance retention. On the other hand, this fiber allows the best carpet resistance to fade, heat, soil, and stain.
Skin Oils
First, padding around barefoot on the carpet is a pleasant sensation. However, it can be an issue when caring for your investment. And oil from your bare feet rubs off onto the carpet fibers, and dirt sticks to oil, staining them and shortening the life of your product. On the other hand, the skin of feet also has bacteria that cause odors and eat away at your carpet fibers.
Chemical reactions involving the human body play a fundamental role in indoor pollutants. In this way, human skin oils contain unsaturated components like squalene, fatty acids, and wax esters that react with O3.
Daily, carpets are exposed to multiple substances produced in our life routine. For example, drinks like wine, soda, and lemon juice pass through our carpet fibers and stain them. Therefore, if an accidental spill occurs, the best is to act quickly by gently absorbing the liquid with a white cotton cloth. Then, you can prepare a homemade cleaning solution by mixing water (4 cups), dish soap (a tablespoon), and white vinegar (experts recommend (1/4 cup).
On the other hand, pet stains contain corrosive chemicals like ammonia and acid. When removing pet waste, use a spatula to lift any residue from the carpet and prevent further damage. Next, it is important to soak the affected with a product designed for pet stains and clean the surface with a wet sponge dampened with a laundry detergent and cold water. In the case of pet urine, spray the stained area with a mixture of white vinegar and water to neutralize the uric acid. https://www.youtube.com/embed/GxNO4OkRZts?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent
It is vital to act quickly to prevent pet stains from damaging the carpet and the subfloor. Indeed, if you should replace your carpet because of pet stains, you will note that the major issue occurs when the subfloor is contaminated by pet urine.
Traffic Patterns
Carpets are subjected to the daily traffic, the weight of furniture, and other factors. Hence, it is advisable to change carpet traffic patterns to distribute the wear. In the case of wall-to-wall carpeting, change the position of furniture and other items. When changing traffic patterns in movable rugs, rotate them in the room. Likewise, remember that sun exposure is a source of UV rays that may discolor your home items. For this reason, protect your carpet against direct sunlight by closing your curtains during sunlight hours.
For further information, call your trusted professionals on carpet cleaning in Charlotte, NC.